Saturday, July 06, 2024

Happy 20th Birthday Escape From Corporate America (2024)!

When I started this blog in 2004 (here's one of the first posts), people didn't know what a blog was.  Now they do and everyone recognizes the importance of sharing your knowledge with the world for others to grow from your experience.

Take a walk down memory lane with some of my posts celebrating Happy Birthday Escape From Corporate and Happy Anniversary Escape From Corporate America.

And remember y'all, it started with an article I submitted to The Conference Board in 2003 and from there, I started this blog, and from there, well the rest is history.  Here's what I said when I launched and it still is at the core of the my thinking day in and day out:

When I authored "Escape From Corporate America!" published by the Conference Board in 2003, I had no idea the reaction to it would be so profound and overwhelming. My inbox was flooded with email messages from gifted women who could not say enough about their dissatisfaction at work. Apparently, I underestimated just how fed up women are with Corporate America. EFCA offers a comprehensive look at why women are leaving BIG companies for entrepreneurship. Hint: They want freedom, flexibility, recognition, more money, and opportunities to leave a legacy -- all the things they once thought they would find within corporations. Are you ready to ... "Escape From Corporate America?"  

This blog serves as a beacon of hope for women entrepreneurs who aspire to create their own destiny.  Hooray to you for continuing your readership here which I thank you for.  We started with a handful of readers a month and now we range anywhere from 30,000-60,000.

Let's keep this good vibe going.

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