Saturday, February 26, 2022

Ensuring Productivity Is the Key to Going Forward

Theo Paphitis, Chairman at Theo Paphitis Retail Group and Dragon from BBC's Dragons' Den, writes "Things I have Learnt in 2020," and little did he know at the time that the worst was not over yet on the global pandemic.  Still, his insights apply even more to our current times.  Paphitis emphasizes that ensuring productivity is the key to going forward – no matter where anyone is located or how the work gets done.

Another futuristic thought leader is Michelle Hayward, founder and CEO, Bluedog. In her article, "Let's not go back!," she talks about how now is the time for people to propel themselves into futures they've been too tired and stressed to imagine.  "Let's hold space for the possibility of a new future by limiting language that speaks to the prospect of reliving the past," she says.

Two entirely different thought leaders from different parts of the world yet they meet at the same point:  We can't go back and we must create a new future.

Saturday, February 19, 2022

Be Interesting But Not Complicated

"My father was not a complicated man.” ~ Diane Disney Miller (daughter of Walt Disney)

Innovation is such a personal, creative endeavor, but the influence of others plays a big role in helping us succeed. 

Here I share insights from some of those who’ve inspired me when it comes to developing innovative practices in my business. Perhaps they will have the same effect on you.  At the end of each passage, there’s a lesson learned along with a big question to get a conversation going. 

If nothing else, this article will encourage you to take time out to reflect and work a little magic on the innovation front.

Saturday, February 12, 2022

The Power of Networking to Build Confidence, Create Connections and Accelerate Opportunities

To understand what helps female entrepreneurs thrive at a higher level, Forbes contributor Kathy Caprino interviews Pat Hedley, investor, advisor and author of Meet 100 People: A How-To Guide to the Career and Life Edge Everyone’s Missing. After a nearly 30-year career with global growth investor General Atlantic, Hedley is now a private investor and advisor to growth companies and a passionate advocate for intentional and generous relationship building. 

Here's what she had to say, oh, and one quick snippet from when Pat was asked why networking is so important for entrepreneurs generally, but especially for female entrepreneurs.

Networking is essential for entrepreneurs because founders are highly reliant on accessing resources and information they don’t already have to start and build a business. Even if one has a great idea, executing on that idea requires an extensive network of individuals including employees, customers/clients, investors, advisors and influencers.

Read on for the full interview.

Saturday, February 05, 2022

This Is the Moment: Female Founders, Quotes, Community, Stories, Funding, Side Hustles and More

If you were thinking about setting out and doing something in 2022, this is the moment.  Explore it all here.