Saturday, November 03, 2018

How SHE Got it Right

According to the latest State of Women-owned Businesses report from American Express, four in 10 businesses in the U.S. are now majority-owned, operated and controlled by women.

Last year alone, 1,821 new women-owned businesses opened in the U.S. each day.

How can women entrepreneurs make sure their company goes the extra mile to become successful?

Below is advice from a handful of women business owners.
  1. Take a step-by-step approach
  2. Don't sell yourself short
  3. Learn to embrace rejection
  4. Give back to get back
  5. Learn from your team
  6. Create a culture of solution seekers
  7. Keep the end goal in mind
  8. Find a role where you own a P&L
Read the entire article about how these women business owners got it right.

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