Monday, November 21, 2011

Starting a Business? Better Have a Fantastic Sense of Self-Confidence

A U.K. perspective but I find the article below fascinating nonetheless due to the comments about America.
If we look to America, where women tend to have more self confidence and a greater willingness to push themselves forward, levels of female entrepreneurship are nearly twice as high as they are in the UK. Rates of male and female entrepreneurship are almost equal, with 7% of females involved in early-stage entrepreneurship compared to 8% of men. Indeed, if the UK had the same level of female entrepreneurship as the US, there would be approximately 600,000 more women-owned businesses.
Take a good look at how confidence factors into the equation when you are thinking about starting a business.
American business people (men and women) have a fantastic sense of confidence in what they can do, which I think women in the UK could learn a lot from. In America there is a relentless work ethic and entrepreneurs have to have complete confidence in who they are, their abilities and what they bring to the table, as well as the ability to be able to self-promote. Being able to stand up and be counted is one of the things, I think, that make American women more likely to start up a business and make it a success.
Read the entire article:  Smashing Your Way Out of the Glass Ceiling

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