I finished reading Lauren Manning's book, "Unmeasured Strength," and instead of being sad or depressed, considering what had happened to her, I was empowered to become a better human being and to accomplish more in life. My biggest takeaway, which came from a direct quote from Lauren in the book on Page 4: "I would never surrender."
Whether facing a divorce, death of a loved one, bankruptcy, health issue, the risk of starting a business or - as in Lauren's case, a catastrophic moment of burning alive - each requires the commitment to never surrender. You must keep going.
Thank goodness Lauren discovered that early on after she was engulfed by the fires that brought down the twin towers of the World Trade Center. Her long, painful (she suffered second and third-degree burns across about 85 percent of her body) yet inspiring journey imparts on each of us a new look at life, one that most certainly is worth fighting for.
This book should be read not once but several times (and passed along to others) to fully appreciate steely determination under literal fire and how even at one's darkest hours - as in the case with Lauren facing death day after day for more than three months during her recovery - she shows us the surprising strength and courage in us all.
Buy the book here.
Pay a visit to: LaurenManning.com
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