Sunday, January 30, 2011

Do It Your Way: Create Your Own Business


In creating a business of your own, don't look back.  Only focus on making the best of your brilliant idea.

Having said that, let's re-visit an old article that is still relevant and timely for today's business climate, especially for those who are looking at leaving corporate America to start their own business.

She Did It Her Way

Now, I ask you this:  How are you doing it your way?

I welcome hearing from you.

Graphic source here.

Posted by the official Escape From Corporate America blog

1 comment:

  1. Twenty years ago women didn't have as many choices for work and family balance. I, personally, really struggled with that after having my first child. The internet has changed all that. Women now have a lot more flexibility to start businesses and create the life they want. Go for it!
