After defending women entrepreneurs and their math abilities, Michelle Greer (pictured) was called illogical, idiotic, arrogant, angry, a troll, and the ...
Woman Defends Female Entrepreneurs on TechCrunch and Gets Called ...
After defending women entrepreneurs and their math abilities, Michelle Greer (pictured) was called illogical, idiotic, arrogant, angry, a troll, and the ...
... that many more women are starting companies, taking them public and providing investors with bigger returns on smaller investments.To receive the complete whitepaper (you must register first), go here.
... Growing Influence in Tech: Women-owned or led firms are the fastest growing sector of new venture creation in the U.S., growing at five times the rate of all new firms between 1997 and 2006 – now representing nearly 50% of all privately held businesses.
... Fewer Failures: Despite often being capital-constrained, women-owned businesses are more likely to survive the transition from raw start-up to established company than the average.