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Posted by: Escape From Corporate America blog
Katrin Bennhold, New York Times: Historically, feminism has been "about women pushing into the world of men," but the future of feminism "is shaping up to be about pulling men into women's universe -- ...Read more here and here.
Half the Sky lays out an agenda for the world's women and three major abuses: sex trafficking and forced prostitution; gender-based violence including honor killings and mass rape; maternal mortality, which needlessly claims one woman a minute. We know there are many worthy causes competing for attention in the world. We focus on this one because this kind of oppression feels transcendent – and so does the opportunity. Outsiders can truly make a difference.Photo credit: Half The Sky homepage. Edna Adan's story here.
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I think women are starting more businesses than men. In part, because they have to. It’s necessary to have a two income couple these days. The internet has unleashed infinite possibilities. But it is an individual choice. Not everybody can do it. Although countries like Japan are realizing that they have to make it attractive to keep women in the workforce.
After all, it isn’t exactly cool to be a capital-F Feminist in 2010, when many people find the term antiquated and the battle for equality over.Young Feminists, Where Art Thou?