Tuesday, February 16, 2010

To Win, Unleash Your Inner Entrepreneur

Should you restart your career as whatever it is that you have been doing for umpteen years (same thing but at a different place) or pursue your childhood dream of starting your own business?

Well this piece can most certainly help guide you. A quick snippet:
The economy looks bleak with unemployment climbing to 7.6 percent last month from 7.2 percent, according to the U.S. Department of Labor. Meanwhile, foreclosures mount while benefits, savings and pensions deteriorate.

As job security from corporate America fades, Jackson and others see the economic downturn as an unexpected chance to transform hobbies or youthful fantasies, once-dubbed impractical, into grown-up careers.

"I've spent most of my professional life making money for other people's companies," says Laura Waldusky, who opened her own jewelry shop this month in Houston, Texas, after being unable to find a job in 2008. "Why not invest my talents in, well, myself?" iReport.com: Surviving a tough economy.
Bad economy? Do what you love.

1 comment:

  1. Although, I would suggest doing what you love. I would also suggest staying in your job if you have one and begin doing what you love on the side. :) You should try to incorporate something you love into every day life though.
