Gender discrimination and pay inequities in the corporate world cannot be underestimated so women might as well choose the path of business ownership for these reasons and more. Further, having control over your destiny is a mighty powerful motivator.
Becoming an entrepreneur requires numerous personal qualities regardless of gender. All entrepreneurs are:
Bold, daring, cReAtIvE, calculated risk takers, INNOVATIVE + autonomous
The profile of women entrepreneurs is not necessarily different from our male counterparts. What's noticeable is the contrast in managing style ... other than that ... pretty similar.
For my women readers, may you start a business in 2010. Best wishes for a happy and successful year.
Photo credit: Laurel J. Delaney, lake front at Rogers Park, Illinois, U.S.A., from The Official Escape from Corporate America Blog
• On average, women seem less networked than men and, in some cultures, have access to fewer social resources.
• Minniti notes that "women are very strong at negotiating, achieving goal-congruence, and consensus-forming.”
• Self-satisfaction is more important to women that financial profitability and growth; and of course, family considerations are very important in women's jump to self-employment.
• How institutions promote or discourage female entrepreneurship should be studied for its policy implications.