When I caught this part ...
Ms. Hemmert admits that she sees her own parental job as something separate and different from her husband's, and she not only resents him for usurping her role but has lost some respect for him. "I'm a woman, and I want to be a mother first," she states simply.... I could not help but think to myself, "I'm a woman, and I want to be my own person first."
Let us know what you think of the commentary. Here is a listing of some of the resources mentioned in the article but not specifically identified that supports Ms. Basham's thinking:
- New York Times contributor Lisa Belkin, "Obama's Council on Women and Girls."
- Elisabeth Eaves, Forbes, "Life With Father."
- Center for American Progress, A Woman's Nation
- Study referenced in commentary is, "What's Love Got To Do With It?" (download the 26-page PDF file here immediately: "What's Love Got To Do With It? ... ") by W. Bradford Wilcox (more here on Wilcox -- and a must-read here) and Steven L. Nock (found out he passed away on January 20, 2008). I believe Ms. Basham quoted her original information from this though, "The Happiest Wives."
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