The M3 Program is a community of more than 55,000 women entrepreneurs spread across the nation. The program was created by Count Me In for Women’s Economic Independence and American Express OPEN® in response to the fact that less than 3% of the 10.4 million women-owned businesses in the U.S. generate $1 million or more in revenues annually.
All entrepreneurs need to juggle both business and family responsibilities. But even with conflicting work and family demands, most M3 members feel they have achieved balance in their lives. One-third says they have a high degree of balance. Most importantly, achieving balance has NOT had a negative impact on level of business accomplishment. Attaining balance and business growth can thus go hand in hand.
What gives women business owner’s balance?
It’s not who she is but what she does that’s the difference. M3 women who have achieved a higher level of work-life balance are more likely to outsource household tasks, proactively book personal and family time into their schedules, and look out for themselves.