Friday, February 27, 2009

Women Hold The Purse Strings

We just love this new, powerful site for women called WOMEN-omics -- the first website focused on the theme of promoting women as an economic opportunity. The site is the brainchild of Avivah Wittenberg-Cox, a consultant, executive coach, author, entrepreneur and publisher of WOMEN-omics.

Great quote:
Men like to believe they run the world. They are not ... read the balance of it here.
Take a moment to explore, learn, grow and engage at WOMEN-omics where they claim women worldwide hold the purse strings.

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Time To Go Independent

Oppenheimer & Co. banking analyst Meredith Whitney (pictured above) -- known as the woman who moves markets -- is leaving to start her own business.

Now the question I have to ask is this: Did she leave because of a financial meltdown -- in spite of it -- or, neither?

Quote from Meredith:

"I don't want to work for anyone else anymore, and I want to broaden what I do."

Other interesting parts to the article, "Meredith Whitney: A league of her own," published in Fortune's CNN
The firm that bears her name will be grounded in her research (her "true passion"). But it won't be just about issuing notes to clients. She eventually intends to advise companies as well. And in March, she will be on a steering committee to advise the G20 on how to respond to the credit crisis.

As head of her new firm, Whitney, who currently hosts gatherings in her home where professional women can swap ideas and hear thought leaders, plans to host a "salon series" in her offices with writers, government officials, regulators, and business luminaries. It could be a big value-add for clients who want access to bold-face names and original ideas.
Based on her good looks and obvious talent, I vote she takes her business immediately to television. Check out her new firm: Meredith Whitney Advisory Group LLC.

And let's applaud Meredith for having the courage get going with her own business!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Shattering Barriers For Women

If you can't beat'em, break'em, that's what I recommend. Let's give a big welcome to Nicki Gilmour, founder, The Glass Hammer, who is helping women break through glass ceilings.

The Glass Hammer is an online community designed for women executives in financial services, law and business. You can discover issues that matter, share experiences, network, get career advice and plan your life. And, as you dig around her new community, grab yourself a new job (that is, if entrepreneurship is not your thing :-).

Visit The Glass Hammer here.

Wednesday, February 18, 2009

An Educational Program of Our Own

Whether you run a business or head up a multi-million dollar division of a Fortune 500 company, lifelong learning is vital to ensure personal and professional growth. And business schools are here to help by offering programs specifically tailored to women.

The programs deal with everything from attaining leadership positions to entrepreneurship to issues of work-life balance. Here's a sample of programs that came out of the article, "A Female Face on Executive M.B.A.s," published in the WSJ on January 21, 2009:

Executive Program for Women Leaders
Where: Stanford University Graduate School of Business
Cost $9,200

Moving From Managing to Leading: The Women's Program at Babson
Where: Babson Executive Education
Cost: $5,950

Women's Director Development Program
Where: Northwestern University's Kellogg School of Management
Cost: $5,500

Strategic Leadership for Women
Where: IMD in Switzerland
Cost: $8,972

Global Leaders Program for Women
Where: Smith College/Dartmouth College's Tuck School of Business
Cost: $8,200

A New Path
Where: Harvard Business School
Cost: $5,000

Friday, February 13, 2009

Captains Of The Universe

Captains of the universe, I mean, chief executives at eight banks and securities firms that have received U.S. $165 billion in federal aid have been barraged by U.S. lawmakers. Who's missing in the photo?

O women entrepreneur where art thou?

Pictured left to right and seated in alphabetical order at a long table: Lloyd Blankfein of Goldman Sachs, James Dimon of J.P. Morgan Chase, Robert Kelly of Bank of New York Mellon, Kenneth Lewis of Bank of America, Ronald Logue of State Street, John Mack of Morgan Stanley, Vikram Pandit of Citigroup and John Stumpf of Wells Fargo

[Added 2/20/09: ABC News Video: Should Women Rule the World? You gotta watch.]

Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Best Time To Start a Business? When You Are Good and Ready!

You can analyze things to death but really, the best time to start a business is when you are good and ready.

Read what two women went through before a light bulb glowed: "Do your own thing!"

And we covered a similar piece here on January 16, 2009 under the headline: Frightened About Your Corporate Job? Become An Entrepreneur.

Monday, February 09, 2009

Keep on Trucking Women Entrepreneurs

This is such an inspiring story of how a woman, Cheryl Womack (pictured), goes from being a mom to running a business (at the same time of course), to making the business a huge success, to selling it, and eventually ... starting a nonprofit called The Leading Women Entrepreneurs of the World. She's an amazing woman and a role model for us all.

Quick snapshot:
One of 11 children born to Panamanian immigrants, Womack first made her mark with VCW, which sells insurance to independent truckers. That company, which she started with just $17,000 in 1983, was worth more than $100 million when she sold it in 2002. Currently, she manages a nonprofit called the Leading Women Entrepreneurs of the World, helping others on their way up. Married and the mother of two, Womack recently pledged $2 million to build a women's softball field at her alma mater, the University of Kansas.
Read the full spread (including viewing the slideshow) over at Oprah.

We need to get Cheryl to contribute over at Women Entrepreneurs GROW Global (WEGG)!

Thursday, February 05, 2009

Happy To Make a Must-Read Blog List

We are honored to be selected for the "100 Must-Read Blogs by Women" according to Adam at Blogtrepreneur.

Our thanks to Adam and to all our readers!

Monday, February 02, 2009

Women Entrepreneurs Growing in Numbers

Is there a good, better or best time to start a business? Probably not. When you are ready, you're ready and nothing is going to get in your way -- even if times are tough.

Nancy Michaels authored this piece (not sure how old it is but it appears to still be relevant) published in U.S. News & World Report, special advertising section. She offers some good tips.

DON'T UNDERVALUE YOURSELF. Women tend to give away too much and charge too little, Learned says, especially those in service-based businesses. Learned suggests women in the service industry adopt value-based fees, rather than hourly. This involves pinning a dollar amount to your knowledge and services, and charging per project, not per hour.

REMEMBER WHY YOU STARTED YOUR OWN COMPANY. Women can quickly lose site of their desire to have a balanced life in the face of a demanding new business. Gilmore says she regularly has to stop and weigh the value of the task at the moment against her personal needs.

NETWORK, BUT IN A WAY YOU FEEL COMFORTABLE WITH. Many people who go into business for themselves flock to networking groups because they believe it's the smart thing to do. This is true for men as well as women. But depending on your personality and preferences, these groups may not be the best forum for networking.

DON'T FORGET YOU ARE RUNNING A BUSINESS. Piling on the work/life benefits won't do anyone any good if doing so cuts too deeply into the company's bottom line. "One of the biggest lessons I've learned is how to create a culture that is attentive to the individual and allows you to still make it as a business," says Gilmore.

"If your business is to thrive," says Glaser, "you must market yourself and take credit for your achievements. If you don't market your business, no one will know what you have to offer."