Friday, December 14, 2007

PrimeTime Women

Is that you? Then you will enjoy this book and post.


  1. Laurel,

    Happy New Year!

    Topic: contracts for women entreprenurs here in Las Vegas...
    one of my WPO Las Vegas members is a custom furniture manufacturer and furniture rental company. She was asked to be on the MGM Diversity Video prominntly used by this corporation. Debbi Somers of Somers Furniture does work for the MGM and is a WBE (sic) member but HAS NEVER RECEIVED A CONTRACT for this certification...

    Press is press and Debbi did the video so we may have an in at the Diversity Dept. of this huge corporation...the issue is how to have corporate America pursue this certified owners.

    Your blog showed the SBA had 4 fields of interest for government being one.
    Why doesn't the govt. come to the organization of successful women business owners who have the data base they are looking for?

    Any ideas, let me know..

    Great job you are doing in all the many faceted work you.

    Shelia McKay, WPO Las Vegas

  2. Hi, Sheila!

    Thanks for posting. Not sure what we can do other than voice our collective opinions via email to the press office at SBA:

    press_office at SBA dot com

    That's a start.

    Many thanks for weighing in with your comments and Happy 2008!

    All the best,
