Monday, October 10, 2005

When Will Businesses Get Clued In?

In Portland

It happened again. The workday was essentially over, shirts were untucked, shoes were off, and the kids had their faces focused on TV and the computer. My husband cleared dishes, and, employing a typical making-dinner-avoidance strategy, I sorted through the day's mail.

Two offers made me narrow my marketer's eyes. My Saab dealer sent a service reminder and discount for car detailing to my husband, Paul. My local grocer had sent some coupons to me, well, just look at these facts ...

The Center for Women's Business Research reinforces Pettigrew's original claims about business and women. As of 2004, 10.6 million firms in the United States are at least 50 percent owned by a woman or women, and over a million women work out of their homes. The untapped women-owned business-to-business marketing opportunities are enormous.

When will businesses get clued in?

1 comment:

  1. They sure don't. If you send me the editor's name, I would be happy to forward a link to this blog on to them. Was the article written by a man or a woman?

    Also, I serve as the Chicago chapter facilitator for the Women Presidents' Organization (WPO). We just opened a chapter in Las Vegas. You should look into it. If you contact me, I would be happy to introduce you to the facilitator. She's wonderful! And by the way, WPO gets it!

    Take care,
