Thursday, October 28, 2004

Flexibility in the Workplace: The Benefits Are in the Numbers


According to the recent report, "When Work Works: A Project on Workplace Effectiveness and Workplace Flexibility," employees who have access to flexibility use it.

But do they pay a price? You bet. Take a look:

* When asked how hard it is to take time off during the workday to address personal or family issues, 37% of wage and salaried employees say "somewhat hard" or "very hard."

* Overall, 39% of respondents report that employees who use flexible work options are less likely to get ahead in their jobs or careers.

* Sixty-one percent of employees working in organizations that have part-time employees say that part-timers receive less compensation on a pro rata basis than full-timers doing the same jobs just because they work part time.

* Only 28% of low-wage employees are allowed to take a few days off to care for a sick child without losing pay, without using vacation days, and without having to make up some other reason for one's absence, compared with 58% of high-wage employees.

* Nineteen percent of part-time employees versus only 9% of full-time employees do not have health insurance coverage from any source.

And we wonder why more and more women are choosing entrepreneurship over corporate work!

To read the entire article, visit:
Flexibility In The Workplace

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